Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Guga and Rocky speeches

I took Guga’s speech because it shows some interesting things. At first, his public already knows him. He won three times Roland Garros. So, he did not introduce himself.
Second, he is making a speech for the champion and the vice champion who are just few years younger than him. He congratulates both tennis players. At the end he says that he hopes to not be wearing suit next year, but t-shirt and shorts.
Third, he already knows his public. So, he interacted with them.
I think it was effective because he has the credibility to be there. He won three times that championship. So, the public does not to have an introduction to him to listen. They would listen him if he talked in English. But it is more effectively because he tries to speak in French and people are really paying attention on his speech.

I took the Rocky’s speech because it is an emotional speech. He started making a comparison to hook his soon into his speech. Then he started saying the reasons why he has to believe in himself. At the end he makes a conclusion by telling to his son believes in himself.
I think it was effective because he gave to his soon an emotional speech. He has the credibility to do that because he is his father. At the end you can see his face and you understand that he got his father’s message.

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