Tuesday, January 29, 2008

any given sunday

(if u haven't seen the movie) this a timebreak through a football match were the team is loosing. they worked too hard all season.

I personally think this speech is very inspirational, it''ll probably give u goosebumps while watching the movie.
Notice how he compares football to real life. He uses strong language and really grabs the team's full attention.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Instructions for your Presentational Speaking Blogging Assignment

This is the course blog for our Presentational Speaking class. As part of your participation in this class, you will be expected to actively contribute course material to this blog.

You will be required to locate 4 video clips of public speeches or presentations that illustrate key course concepts, upload them to the course blog, and analyze them by discussing the public speaking concepts you think they illustrate. Your analysis should pertain to the most recent course material covered. Please refer to the syllabus for due dates.

The Assignment:
  1. Start your post with an appropriate title that tells us what concept the speech illustrates.

  2. If possible, embed the video. If not possible, link to it. You need to choose one of these methods in order to receive credit for your post.

  3. Briefly describe the speech/presentation (who’s the speaker, when & where was the speech given, why was it given). You don’t need to spend more than 2-3 sentences on this part.

  4. Identify the course concept the speech illustrates and explain why you believe your example is a good illustration of that concept. The point of the analysis is to show that you understand key course concepts and that you can apply them to real life examples. When you apply a course concept, point to specific parts of the speech by:

  5. • referring to time cues [i.e. By explaining his educational background, the speaker introduces a strong ethos appeal (1:36)]

    • or by briefly describing the scene or speech segment [i.e. When the speaker starts discussing the second slide, she introduces a red herring fallacy…]

  6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the course concept and provide suggestions for
    improvement. In other words, make an argument that the speaker employed these concepts well or poorly, back up your position, and explain what he/she could have done better.
I have linked to a great example in one of my prior bog posts.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Link for MLK Day

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Brief tutorial on how to create a blog post

Here's a brief tutorial that should help you get started with Blogger. You will need to click on the slide to move from one slide to the next. You'll note that the tutorial refers to the course blog for my PR class. Don't get confused by that. The instructions are exactly the same.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sample Analysis of a Speech Excerpt - Obama's Concession Speech

I just noticed an excellent example of what I would like you all to do for the blog contribution assignment on one of my favorite presentational speaking blogs - The Presentation Zen.

The post analyzes Obama's concession speech after the results of the New Hampshire primaries had come in. Notice how it takes one rhetorical element - repetition (one of the course concepts we will cover this semester) - and examines an entire speech segment in light of that element. That's exactly what I would like to see you do with your blog contributions:

1. Keep your eyes open for interesting speeches to analyze
2. Pick a new course concept and examine the speech in light of that concept
3. Embed the video, or link to it in your blog post/analysis

To read the post, click here.